Waterjet Liposuction
Lipedema Liposuction

What is lipedema?
Hypothetically Lipedema is genetically encoded, often inherited. There is a predisposition for adipose tissue to collect especially on the extremities. Storing seems easy but releasing fat from lipedema tissue is not proportional to wheight. Lipedema fatty tissue is sometimes characterized as painful on contact, more often by pain at pressure and tendency to swell. If a lipedema progresses extremely, the lymphatic system may also be affected and lymphedema may develop in addition to lipedema.
Even if a common diet, namely limited in time, does not help to catch the cause of lipedema, a reliable calorie balance should be maintained so that the mass of stored fat does not increase. In the case of obesity, a calorie-deficient lifestyle and, if necessary, a deacidifying, carbohydrate-adapted diet must be tailored to the disease. The only therapy that can precisely reduce lipedema symptoms is liposuction. Removal of lipedema tissue in the presence of existing obesity often starts a successful weight loss cascade. In cases of significant obesity, weight loss must be safely initiated prior to liposuction.
Holistic and sustainable therapy of lipedema
Our doctors specialize in long-term helpful liposuction for lipedema, helping you get and stay on top of your lipedema.
Lipedema occurs more frequently with a BMI > 22. Early action is crucial for a mild course! |
Unknown causes of lipedema?
A mitochondrial disorder with cellular undersupply could be a factor in cell metabolism. A hypersensitivity of fat cells to estrogen would be conceivable, since it is predominantly women who are affected by the syndrome lipedema. Another possible cause would be a gene alteration causing an autoimmune reaction against the adenohypophysis - three conjunctives. In addition, fat metabolism does not function optimally in over-acidified fat masses. Although there is no certainty about the trigger of lipedematous changes, there is consensus about a self-reinforcing course of the disease if no therapy is applied.
Definition and clinical diagnosis
The diagnosis of lipedema is made clinically. An apparative examination is not necessary. Although the thickness of the fat layer could be measured by ultrasound, the dysproportional distribution of fat and the type of connective tissue are particularly typical. Vascular diseases should be excluded and any thyroid deficiencies should have been treated in advance. The diagnosis can be made with certainty if the following criteria are exhibited:
- symmetrical, dysproportional fat deposits
- fat accentuation at legs and arms
- tendency to spontaneous hematomas
- possibly touch pain or pressure pain
- orange peel skin (cellulite)
- fat depot at the shinbone head inside
- gonarthrosis (in the further course)
- possibly metabolic diseases as a consequence
Lipedema - Consequences
In the untreated course of lipedema - if the body weight is not kept under control - further fat tissue proliferation and manifesting disease occur in the sense of a vicious circle. Both the severity of the disease and discipline in exercise and diet influence the extent and speed of development of associated problems. After liposuction with consistent adjustment of the calorie balance, we can observe very beautiful progressions in our patients. These disease progressions please not only the patients but also us doctors. Therefore, with the Kalomo program, we support the necessary weight loss through dietary changes in the presence of excess weight. It is important that affected women do not lose heart for no reason and that they are not told what to do, even if it sounds more pleasant than the facts. Do not fall for the so-called lipedema lie.
Body weight
If obesity or an undesirably high body fat percentage is present in addition to the lipedema, this or these should be treated as a priority, as this will improve the symptoms caused by the lipedema.
Lymphatic vessels
The normal function of the lymphatic vessels can be checked. Manual lymphatic drainage is not an adequate curative therapy for lipedema.
Increased fat storage in areas of the inner thighs and knees can alter the gait pattern in a non-physiological way and leads to excessive joint stress in the long term. This must be added to the increased stress due to the possibly increased body weight.
The growing fat deposits lead to stretching of the skin. The more massive the expression, the less satisfactory therapy can be. An early start of therapy is important for the affected patient! A late therapy decision can later result in additional surgical measures with corresponding complications. Compression stockings can be used symptomatically, but are certainly not a treatment concept that takes into account the cause of lipedema.
A misshapen body, unsporting performance and early onset cellulite can stress affected women by triggering shame. Unsuccessful diets have a frustrating effect and sometimes lower the self-esteem of lipedema patients. This effect can accelerate the progress of the disease unfavorably through diet discontinuation.
Lipedema therapies - health insurance and self-payer
Up to now, conservative therapy has consisted of repeated decongestion and continuous compression by means of special clothing. These measures are accompanied by the obligatory initial measures of dietary adjustment and physical activity for life and, in contrast to liposuction, are often paid for by health insurance. Since round-knit compression is sufficient, flat-knit care will probably not be continued in the future. If the lymphatic system is not affected, decongestion probably makes less sense than previously thought. A cure cannot be expected from conservative measures.
Gradual liposuction with special protection of the lymphatic vessels is a safe form of therapy that removes excessive fatty tissue causing secondary diseases. Liposuction with water jet technique offers high patient comfort and shortened procedure time for the surgeon. These procedures are performed primarily on the legs and arms.
Lipedema vicious circle
1. every weight gain is deposited mainly in the fat deposits of the legs and arms.
2. every weight loss makes the fat deposits on the body, which are not affected by lipedema, become thinner.
3. from the situation of non-thinning of the legs, the strict caloric discipline is abandoned and excess food energy is again stored in the lipedema areas.